A set of wonderful videos about music and the brain:
10 hours of Mozart:
A set of wonderful videos about music and the brain:
10 hours of Mozart:
From his observations, Tomatis realized that people ‘approach’ external sound, as well as the sound of their own voices, with preference for one ear. People who use mainly the right ear absorb and retain acoustic information much faster and easier, and they also have a much better control on their voice. On the other hand, people who listen mainly with their left ear are generally slower; their voices are flatter and their verbal flow is slower-paced. We need to keep in mind that the neurological connections of the ears go each to the opposite brain hemisphere; therefore, the right ear sends the information to the left hemisphere where the language center is located. This is the shortest and fastest way of processing acoustic information. In turn, the left ear sends the information to the right hemisphere, which then transfers it to the language center, with a considerable delay in comparison to the right ear. However, both ears are necessary: the right one controls; the left one offers intensity. It is optimal that they function together.